Monday, June 21, 2010

Jimmy's Birthday Party

Jimmy's birthday was definitely a party...geeze, I may still be recovering. First up, jimmy's new Storm tattoo... My new vines to finish up my chest piece... I love them!

Working on Fisher's friend, Josh. His shoulders will be all armor plated! Awesome, can't wait to see this finished.
Done for now....see ya next time Josh! :)
Oh my, what a Motley Crew!

Jimmy and his cousins, Rob and Derek
TJ's turn....I forgot what this guys name is....sorry!

And my niece, Jordon's, first tattoo! She's a bit nervous...

and still nervous!

OUCH! That hurts!

All done, now you can breath!

Jimmy's cousin playing the guitar....Jimmy loves his music!

Bowing to the rock god....
Working on Fisher's back piece.... Joel workin' some Sharpie magic

Poor Jimmy took a magic carpet ride....(rug slid out from under him and he took a tumble....poor guy!)

Fisher done for this time...

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