Monday, June 21, 2010

Community Day's Parade

Royals game!

Jimmy's Birthday Party

Jimmy's birthday was definitely a party...geeze, I may still be recovering. First up, jimmy's new Storm tattoo... My new vines to finish up my chest piece... I love them!

Working on Fisher's friend, Josh. His shoulders will be all armor plated! Awesome, can't wait to see this finished.
Done for now....see ya next time Josh! :)
Oh my, what a Motley Crew!

Jimmy and his cousins, Rob and Derek
TJ's turn....I forgot what this guys name is....sorry!

And my niece, Jordon's, first tattoo! She's a bit nervous...

and still nervous!

OUCH! That hurts!

All done, now you can breath!

Jimmy's cousin playing the guitar....Jimmy loves his music!

Bowing to the rock god....
Working on Fisher's back piece.... Joel workin' some Sharpie magic

Poor Jimmy took a magic carpet ride....(rug slid out from under him and he took a tumble....poor guy!)

Fisher done for this time...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

St Louis Shenanigans- Part 3, Anheiser-Busch Tour

Ok, after a lovely breakfast of cat food, Jimmy and I are on the road to the Budweiser factory...WOOT! WE see this car and Jimmy MUST have a pic of Chewie and C3P0 flying at light speed (I'm sure I worded that wrong but it's been approximately 25 years since I've seen Star Wars.) Jimmy was driving like 90 mph to catch up to this guy just so I could click a pic! Stop at the gas station to ice down the cooler and show my handsome man in front of an absolutely beautiful sight....ah, the origins of worlds best beverage.
We we playing with the auto-feature-thingy on the camera, we actually managed to get both of us in a pic without asking a complete stranger for help, nice eh?
This pic does NOT do the building justice, it was HUGE! Prolly like 6 or 7 stories tall???

Gates leading into the factory
We lucked out and planned our tour on the first Saturday of the month which means Clydesdale day. Beautiful, peaceful animal. Til he stomped his foot, thought Jimmy might jump outta his skin. :)
There's that big ole foot! The size of a dinner plate for sure. the Clydesdale stands over 6 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs roughly 2000 lbs.
Inside the lobby, there were a bunch of Budweiser memorabilia...Jimmy in front of an old brew kettle, they have grown, wait til you see the ones they use now.
Hops! This is what makes the beer bitter. We later learned the hops are tasted on the back of the tongue....that was beer school, you'll read all about it.

You know I love me some baseball and beer so this pic was necessary. :) Never seen an Olympic torch, pretty fancy, not like I thought it would be.

Chuck Ladell's glove (spelling of his name??)

Jimmy says he already does...

Budweiser symbols on the carpet even!
Walking out towards the Clydesdale stables These horses eat about 40 lbs of hay a day plus grains (I forgot how much grain....a few gallons anyway.)

These pipes are about 7 or 8 stories up, they carry beer from one process to another throughout the plant....awesome. I told Jimmy I was gonna shoot a pipe with a BB gun and just stand under the hole with my mouth open. Hehe!
Look close you can see one of the Budweiser Dalmatians....just roaming around freely throughout the place.

OK, into the stables. I tell ya, I have never seen nicer stables! Chandelier and stained glass. This place was cleaner than my house.

Beautiful stalls, lucky horses.
The Dalmatian kennels, pretty nice digs, eh?
Awwwww....handsome couple :)
The tack room, each harness weighs about 200 lbs and takes 20 minutes to put on.

You horses ass! Lol, just kidding
Look who's hiding out in the hay....
My handsome him so!
This place reminded me an awful lot of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!

This is where the beer sits for beechwood aging...about 30 days. This is where the beer gets it's bubbles, Anheiser-Busch is one of the only breweries in the country to still give their beer bubbles naturally.

Just thought this was cool! The guide didn't tell us what these types of beer meant, guess I'll have to research that.

About to go up the elevator in the Brew House.

Hops themed chandelier bought at the St Louis Worlds Fair about 200 years ago

OK, the new brew kettles! Slightly different from the one Jimmy was sitting in front of! This is where the hops are added to the wart, the brewed like a big tea kettle. Brew time varies depending on what type of beer they are making....the longer the brew time the lighter the beer.

During prohibition, many breweries were forced to shut down.... Budweiser just started selling other things like yeast. The symbol for their yeast was the elephant.

I swear, every building on this 100 acre plant was absolutely beautiful. All were perfectly clean and kept up.

Front of the bottling house

We're so happy because we're getting closer to the free samples at the end of the tour!

This is Bevo, also during prohibition Budweiser branched out into the soda market. Bevo was their mascot/symbol for this line.

On the escalator in the bottling house
and this is how the press out the can tops and pop tops!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Sclameel, schlamazel, hassenfeffer incorporated!

Looking back up the hill at the whole factory

On our way to beer school!!! Who doesn't love free beer?WE learned how to pour the beer....We learned how to smell the beer.... And we learned how to taste the beer... (like we needed instructions...pfft)
And then we graduated....Honorary Beer Masters! Woot!
After the tour, we thought it would only be fitting to toast world's greatest brewery with some of their finest product. Pinkies out!
Sigh, about a week or two ago, I accidentally broke Jimmy's glasses so now one lense won't stay in.....this is how he feels about it. :s